How To Make Lemon Tea With Ginger ( With or Without Honey)
There are many ways people drink Lemon Tea with Ginger. Some take it with Honey, some without , some prefer to put mint and some even like it with sugar. We here focus on Lemon warm water with Ginger with honey popularly known as Lemon Tea. Follows the steps mentioned below :
Step 1 : Take Ginger upto half a inch length (approx)
Step 2 : Wash it thoroughly in running water
Step 3 : No need to peal it , Just Chop it into small pieces or grate it
Step 4 : Take a Pan and pour 1 cup of water. Put Chopped Ginger in it
Step 5 : Boil the water in the pan for about 5 to 6 minutes. Switch off the gas or induction
Step 6 : Add half tea spoon Honey in the Pan and Mix Well ( don’t follow this step if you don’t want to add honey)
Step 7 : Pour the Mixture in a Cup
Step 8 : Squeeze half lemon in the Cup , Stir well
Step 9 : Enjoy you Lemon Tea with Ginger Sip by Sip.
Benefits of Lemon Tea with Ginger
To understand the benefits of Lemon Tea with Ginger , we will tell you the benefits of Lemon Water and Ginger Separately. The benefits of Lemon Tea with Ginger can be seen in the light that when these 2 components mix , then both bring the benefits together.
Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water
Following are the benefits of drinking Warm Lemon Water
- Digestive System : Lemon Water is a good source of Pectin Fiber , which is necessary for good colon health. This inturn helps improve Digestive Health. This is so very important as a healthy digestive system are cornerstone of good health. This effect of Lemon water thus helps eliminate previous day things from your digestive system , giving you a cleaner and lighter feel
- Right Balance of Minerals : Lemon Water Encourages Right balance of Minerals in the body . It was only lately that the things like Electrolytes , Energy drinks and rehydration salts came to light. Before that Lemon water was the main drink for balancing minerals and it still works good. When we do extensive exercise and sweat , we loose minerals like sodium , potassium and chloride. In this condition , only drinking water will only hydrate the body. It is mandatory to add Lemon in the water , as it will speed up the process of rebalancing the minerals.
- Improves Eye Sight : When we were young , we were often told that if we eat carrots , we can even see in the darks . As a citrus fruit , Lemons are packed with Vitamin C and Antioxidants. These two work together to from a protective effect against cataracts and protect against muscular degeneration.
- Soft Skin : As explained above , Lemon water contains antioxidants. Also as Lemon water helps us keep our body hydrated , this removes blemishes , dark circles and dark spots from our skin. You also get a soft and healthy skin because of the detoxifying properties of lemon.
- Lever’s Friend : Lemon water helps your lever function well by flushing out toxins by enhancing enzyme function. The citric acid found in lemon helps in dispelling harmful bacteria from the body.
- Rich in Potassium : We all know that banana is rich in potassium , but few of us know that Lemon is also rich in potassium. Potassium is 3rd most abundant mineral in human body and drinking lemon water will maintain the levels of potassium. This ensures optimal heart, brain , kidney and muscular function.
- Immune System enhancement : Being rich in Vitamin C , Drinking lemon water will increase your immunity against viral infections and will build immunity system. It will also help you get fewer cold infections as well.
- Inflammation Buster : Inflammation is the body’s natural response to any injury. Chronic inflammation to the body is an essential component in serious illness. Lemon water decreases your body’s acidic levels which in turn assist your body in removing harmful uric acid which may be helping in inflammation.
- Ph Perfection : Lemon Water maintains Ph perfection. Lemon water though itself is acidic in nature but once they get absorbed in blood stream , it then make an alkaline effect on body tissue. So this means that when you eat acidic things , then Lemon would help in balancing the Ph level. Too much acid can cause high cholesterol and diabetes and hence can be avoided by taking Lemon water.
- Boost Metabolism : In view all above points, Lemon Water will help in boosting metabolism , help in losing weight naturally . Pectin fibre present in Lemon Water will help increase metabolism and reduce hunger cravings.
Benefits of Taking Ginger

Ginger , also known as Zingiber Officinale ,100 grams of Ginger has following nutritional values.
Energy : 80 Cal
Carbohydrate : 18 g
Dietry Fiber : 2 g
Fat : .8 g
Protein : 1.8 g
Ginger has a great set of benefit . Some of the major benefits are listed here.
- Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Values : Ginger has natural components named Gingerol and Shogaols. These help in reduction of body pain , muscular pain and inflammation. This makes veins healthy.
- Nausea /Morning Sickness : Ginger has a capability of all types of nausea including nausea because of indigestion , gas , constipation , excess use of medicines , chemotherapy etc. It also help in reducing nausea because of pregnancy , also known as morning sickness.
- Loosing Weight : Compounds in ginger stimulates calorie burning rate. So if you obese or fat , ginger is your best friend. It enhances BMR ( Basal Metabolism Rate) , hence increase excess fat burning. Ladies with extra fat deposits in hip and tummy should take ginger
- Reduces Blood Sugar : Anti Diabetic properties of ginger will help reduce blood sugar levels. One study has shown that 2 g of ginger in 3 months can reduce sugar levels up to 12 %. This also reduces heart attack risk causing because of the high diabetic levels.
- Digestive System Strengthening: Ginger helps control bloating by controlling and optimizing enzyme secretion. So if you often have pain in stomach, then you should take ginger. It will reduce gastric empty time and push food down, relieving you from pain.
- Cholesterol: Ginger helps in controlling cholesterol levels. It increases LDL and reduces HDL, thus improving heart health.
Who should avoid Ginger ?
Not everyone should take Ginger as a daily routine ritual. There are some conditions where you should not take Ginger. Following are those conditions and situations. You should talk to your doctor before taking Ginger if you are one of these
- Low Blood Pressure: Ginger has a tendency to lower your Blood Pressure. So if you have a tendency of having lower BP , then taking ginger can get even more lower. Keep monitoring your BP and talk to doctor before starting taking it daily.
- Pregnancy & Breast Feeding: If you are pregnant or Breast feeding , Ginger can cause complication.
- Blood Thinning : Ginger has anti platelet Blood thinning properties. So if you are taking Blood thinning medicines or you are due to have a surgical procedure , avoid Ginger.
- Blood Sugar : Ginger lowers blood sugar levels. So if you are hypoglycaemic ( tendency of low sugar levels) , you should keep a check on sugar levels and talk to your doctor before taking Ginger.
- Irregular Heartbeat : If you have arrhythmias or irregular heartbeat , then ginger can increase your perpetration and make condition worse.
- Gas : Though ginger is good for digestive system but some people have faced gas. So if you are having a problem of gas after you have started taking ginger , you need to stop it and contact doctor.
- Chronic Acid Reflux & Heart Burn : Ginger is not a good option especially when taken empty stomach. Ginger initiates the secretion of bile which help in digestion. But when stomach is empty , it leads to production of gas, further leading to digestive distress hence upsetting the stomach and leading to acid reflux.
With Honey or Without Honey ?

It all depends of your taste. If you feel that the drink is too sour for you , you can add honey.
Adding honey in warm Lemon tea with Ginger would help further in achieving your goals.
Honey has a composition that is very close to the human blood and this itself justifies the power of honey
Hot Lemon tea with Ginger with Honey brings additional benefits like physiological stability, vitality and physical wellbeing. It helps burns excess fat faster.
If Honey is added in Cold Lemon water with Ginger, you can add fats to your body.
Honey will add above benefits in addition of the benefits that Lemon water and Ginger brought to your body.
Final words of Caution
Lemon Water with Ginger ( with or without Honey) is excellent and offers so many benefits. There are some conditions and situations where you should not take it as it may worsen the situation.
One more point that is very important to consider. If you are taking Lemon Water with Ginger and you are feeling good because of it, then it is ok. But one day when you forget to take it and you feel restless and you feel irritated , then please consider that its time to discontinue for some days and then you can restart it. Please don’t make it a habit.
Do it by choice , don’t make it a compulsion. It should be as per the need of the body.
Alternative to Lemon Water with Ginger.
The benefits that Lemon Water with Ginger brings is enormous. But Not all can make an effort to chop ginger , boil water , put honey. Now a days , Flower teas are fast growing as an easy way to gain all the benfits that are offered by lemon water and ginger.
Flower tea like Hibiscus tea , Lemon Grass , Jasmine Flower , Lavender Flower tea and Blue Pea Tea are the best options present now a days.
Learn about these clicking the below link
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